- Jim said...
While its a nice gesture to listen to every instance where your daughter has a comment, obviously making coffee without a filter is one of those times where experience and common sense should prevail over the ravings of a lunatic mind.
8/10 Thanks for the blog info, it is great, and all look in good spirits. It's all about love. Know things will work out for the best. You're that kind of person. They just have to. Like I said, all good thoughts and prayers are directed at you and yours. Will keep checking the blog to keep up. You can call me anytime also. I'd be willing to give some of my besotted stem cells if need be. ;) Tell the brothers, Kathy and your mom and dad hello. Thinking of you fondly Terry
8/10 Well I guess you are somewhat settled in. Sure would like to know how things are progressing. Pray and think of you all every day. If you can or feel like it please keep me posted. Dad sends his best. Always Terry
8/10 You are in my prayers. I will put your site up at home, so I can follow your progress. Hope your brother is a match so you can get the show on the road! Lyn
8/7 I Checked out the blog. I loved the picture of you in Hawaii golfing. Very handsome! Sure would love to get to Hawaii. When I can plan that trip, I'll call you for info on the best places. Just so you never forget....I want you to know that you are so special to me and always made me feel like a queen. I love you very much and wish that I was there to hold your hand and fill you with healing vibes. It was wonderful to hear your voice yesterday. Stacey
8/5 Cool, I got the photos and the blog! Wonderful! I'll be back in touch this week. I didn't look at email this weekend until tonight. Jaeda was moving, golf was happening, pottery was being thrown, exhaustion has happened. The place in Houston looks very nice! I can't stand the humidity there either! Ugh! Air conditioning is the only answer...that or being in a pool with only your zinc-oxide-coated nose above the water! I'll write more very soon, Paula
8/3 Jerry, Just a note to let you know I'm thinking of you. Hope everything is going as well as it can. I know you won't feel like answering emails all the time. But write when you can. Love ya, Cuz Nancy
8/3 Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you. Hope things are going well at the clinic. My prayers and constant thoughts are continous. Love you. Xoxo Teresa
8/2 Jerry: Sorry to hear your dropping off the Board but I can understand. I'm surprised to head you'll be gone for such an extended period. Just make sure when you get to Houston you find a place on high ground! It likes to rain down there, sometimes up to a foot or more! While your gone we'll all keep an eye on the place and if you need anything from this end don't hesitate to let us know. DI and I want to wish you all the luck with your treatments. Barney and Diane Gordon
8/2 Hope you are settling in. we are all thinking of you here. Keep in touch. Let me know how things are going. I will keep all positive thoughts for you. You will beat this thing. Jmary
8/1 Thanks so much for the message. Pat and I were certainly concerned about you guys with your travel. Watching the weather satellite showed a lot of rain across Texas. Well ole buddy, hang in there, I'm looking forward to a round of golf, I may even pick up the green fees, depending on my mood at the time. Say Hi to Kathy, and as always, our prayers and thoughts are with both you. Lots of AMOR Bob & Pat
8/1 Hey there, Got you e-mail, good to know you got there ok. If at any time you are not up to e-mail, have Kathy to write. Love you and take care. Love Ya, Becky @ Cecil
8/1 Just checking in. Hope you got moved and isn't finding places for stuff fun? When do you start your treatments? I have no doubt that you'll mind the doctors. Just got back from New York, around Albany. Pretty country but buildings are old, not charming, just old. Lots of renewing going on to make the old look charming. Anyway,just wanted to say hi. Love ya. Sandy
7/31 Just thinking about you and wanted to send you a great big squeeze. Hope you're doing well. I'll try to call you tonight..... went to my reunion Saturday what a hoot. Love ya much Shawn
7/31 Hey there, Just wondering if you got where you needed to be ok. Thinking about both of you. Talked to your Mom yesterday. We always look forward to her calls. Hope everything is going well. Talk to you later. Love Ya Lots Becky @ Cecil
7/30 Hi Jerry I do hope things go well for you tomorrow. I have been wondering if you might need a bone marrow donor and I just want you to know that I am willing to do that if tony or Don aren't a match. Enough of that. Pat and I doing well. I am singing in two choirs and taking classical guitar lessons. As you proably have heard Linda and I climbed Kilimanjaro last October. Pat is still working on building her psycotherapy client base. Gotta go for now. Check in with you later Chuck
7/27 Hey there, Thought I would send you a quick message just to let you know we are all pulling for you. Wish you all the best luck and hope everything goes well. We will keep in touch so often, Kathy will probly get tired of us ha ha. just kidding. You hang in there, our prayers and thoughts go out to both of you. We are only a phone call or e-mail away. Love Ya Lots Becky and Cecil
4/16 I am sorry you have to go through this shit. I wish I could do something magical for you and mom. I love you. Laura