Gail said...
Wow, what a ride for your emotions that must have been with the insurance co.
I'm glad that it worked out the right way. I want to send you to a web site that
I just really love. It has free inspirational movies.
There are 3 that I am most moved by.
First is "THE RACE", second is "TO A CHILD, LOVE IS SPELLED TIME", and last is "THE DASH". Everyone of the movies they offer has great music and scenery that i'm sure you will enjoy. Anyway, keep up the fight and know that you and the family are in my prayers.
Love & hugs
Jerry and Kathy said
Tuesday was not a day we care to repeat again. And Gail... thanks for the site. I've watched your selections and others as well. JW
September 21, 2007
Posted by Kathy