October 17, 2007

Stacey said... Good Morning,
I'm sure that you are still recovering from your long drive home. I know that it always takes me a day or two to feel normal after driving that long. Well bud, I am at a lost as to what to say....I guess I will just share my thoughts. I was so angry and sad when I read that your donor had cancelled. I keep telling myself that there is two sides to every story but I find little comfort in those thoughts. I don't know or understand how someone could live with themselves knowing that they didn't follow through with something of this magnitude. I'm truly happy for you that you are back home. Magical things can happen when the heart is happy. Sarah and I have had many laughs and fun watching your virtual vacation. I hope that you continue building that. Like my mom would always sing....What a difference 24 hours makes. Keep posting on your blog and know that I'm thinking of you always. (I've had a couple of restless nights thinking of you and the Home song running through my head.)
Happy thoughts and always with love,