Chris Mercer said... When I had troubles talking and sharing with my own father, Jerry was there for me. I thank you both for taking me into your home when I had no place to go. Jerry, Thank you for your coaching and mentoring. You are a terrific example. With all my love. Chris Mercer
November 1, 2008
Tom & Donna Snopkowski said... Kathy, We here in Bridgeport really enjoyed having Jerry on the HOA Board and I will miss as a Friend. Know that if we can help in some way please call upon us.
Posted by Kathy
October 27, 2008
Gail Sullivan said...I just want you to know how much love & respect I had for my cousin Jerry. He always had a smile on his face and love in his heart. I always looked so forward to the family visits to Louisville. I also want to comment on the blog. I think it was so very brave of all of you to put this personal battle with all the pain, hurt, agony,love,compassion and every other emotion a human can have, out here for us all to share. I know it could not have been easy at times but, I'm sure, in good time, it will serve as a tool to help you heal your broken hearts. My deepest sympathy to you and yours, Gail Sullivan
Posted by Kathy
October 26, 2008
Johnny and Twyla said...
It is with a heavy heart that I write you this thought. Kathy, you have been such a pillar for Jerry that I can only imagine how you feel right now. Happy that Jerry no longer has to do battle with this nasty disease, sadness that you lost your soul mate. Life is so fragile and short so the memories we need to keep with us are those which we charish most. I have you and Jerry. I have fond memories or our time in Colorado with Cisco's Optimist Platoon. In this time of sadness may you feel God's comfort and know that Jerry's departure albeit difficult, you will join him again in our heavenly home.
I also want to thank you for the labor of love in this blog. Your commitment in sharing your journey and the pain, joy an sorrow. While we have been out of sight, you have not been out of our minds.
Johnny and Twyla
Posted by Kathy
October 25, 2008
Jim and Loree Vanderhye said... He fought the good fight. What a courageous man. Loree and I feel very fortunate to have know him. Love to you Kathy and your family.
Posted by Kathy
October 25, 2008
Roger Buzard said... He was a man to whom any man could aspire to be. Yeah honorable would be the first word to come to mind Loved and admired there after Uncle Jerry was awesome always. He treated my sisters and I with kindness and respect and never like we were anoying or like he was to busy and he was ALLWAYS busy. I am so greatful to this blog, I am glad he knew I love him and that I was glad to know him. Shawn loved Jerry more than anyone else in the family I think. But he deserved all our love because he loved us all in a way that we knew he did. I will try to write more later a little over whelmed I am sorry for the Family's loss Always here for you Kathy Hug's and prayers to you all
Posted by Kathy
October 24, 2008
Lyn Brown said... My thoughts and prayers are with you. We all loved Jerry for so many reasons. His courage will be remembered. He was an amazing guy! Please let me know if there is anything we can do for you in the days to come. Know that we are all here for you. God's blessings
Posted by Kathy
October 24, 2008
Chuck said... I just received the news that Jerry lost his battle with MDS this morning. I am saddened for the loss of a friend and cousin and blessed to have shared moments throughout my life with Jerry. My condolences and prayers go out especially to Kathy, Laura and Julye, the three most important women in Jerry's life, aside from his Mother. Chuck
Posted by Kathy
October 24, 2008
Hutch said... Kathy, I write this from again in Africa with a very heavy heart. Bill just let me know and I am so, so sad like everyone. I really don't know what to say except that we all loved Jerry and he is in a good place also now. With all my love and never hestiate to call if you need anything at all from us. The Hutch crew
Posted by Kathy
October 23, 2008
Grady said.... I love you, God loves you, everybody loves you! You are Love and can't go wrong. Peace, my brother.
Posted by Kathy
October 16, 2008
Deb and John Manherz, The 2 of you are an inspiration to all who have had the pleasure of having you in their lives. Deb and I are praying for you both.
Posted by Kathy
October 16, 2008
Jeff said... Jerry you are in my thoughts daily and remember we have that tee time set when you are ready. All the best.
Posted by Kathy
October 14, 2008
Roger Buzard said... Love you Uncle Jerry prayers and blessings to you all
Posted by Kathy
October 14, 2008
Clyde said... Jerry and Kathy, Just a quick note to say you are on my mind and I felt a need to say Hi. So Hi. Thanks Clyde
Posted by Kathy
October 13, 2008
Hutch said... Whit, Kathy, Hayley, Cole, Lauren and I talk and think about you guys often. You are always in my thoughts and prayers and one of these days we will all be hanging out at the Scotchman on 26th and Federal in Denver together! All or love, The Hutch Crew
Posted by Kathy
October 10, 2008
Patti, Chris and Mallory said... Having known Jerry for so many years and delighting in his marriage to you - all I can say Kathy is "I thank God daily that he has you in his life!!!" We love you Jerry and our prayers are with you, Patti, Chris and Mallory
Posted by Kathy
October 8, 2008
Clyde said, Dear Jerry and Kathy, The two of you have set the standard of true love and support for each other. I am so lucky to know both of you and your courage and love have a very positive influence on everyone. I may sit here with a slight tear in the corner of my eye, but your picture always brings a smile my face and an uplift to my day. Bless you and your family, Clyde
Posted by Kathy
October 8, 2008
Jim and Loree Vanderhye said... Hang in there guys. God bless you and know we are thinking of you both all the time!! Vanderhye's
Posted by Kathy
October 7, 2008
Jerry & Jean said---Jerry & Kathy we love you, think of you often and pray for you often. We wish you both the very best.Love,Jerry & Jean Yandell
Posted by Kathy
October 6, 2008
Rox and Steve said... Hello to the Whitlow family - glad to see that Jerry is home and comfortable. Pls take care of yourselves and enjoy each other. My family says prayers daily for you and you must know that much love/support is all around you. Enjoy the fall season and know we are thinking of you...Rox, Steve, Travis and baby Connor. Steve was still hoping for a good game of golf this year in LV - but money has been so tight - maybe he can try for early next year. Take care pls and much love to you and the entire family.
Posted by Kathy
October 6, 2008
Debbie Q said... Jerry & Kathy,I am praying that you both are doing very well. I am glad you made it to SLC & even more so that you have made it back home. I keep you in my prayers & hope always for the very best for you. May God bless you both & may you know that I am here for both of you.
Posted by Kathy
October 4, 2008
John said... Well dear friend, I just wanted to let you know I will always be here for you, and if there is anything I can do to help let me know. It sounds like you still have everything under control, and a lot of good family and friends helping you get the love and hope you deserve.Sincerely and always your friend JohnP.S. Quit posting this crap .. it ruins my bad boy image .. LOL
Posted by Kathy
Ocotber 3, 2008
Hutch and Family said... Hi Jerry, Kathy!Hutch back from the road again! Just checking in to say hi and as always, would love to see you soon and let us know if you need anything! With love,Hayley, Hutch, Cole and Lauren
Posted by Kathy
October 3, 2008
Kathy Veltre said... Jerry, I send you much love,hope and happiness! I really do miss seeing you. You are a great husband, Dad,Person and Friend. I am glad you are home with your loving family!!
Posted by Kathy
October 2, 2008
Chuck said.. Hi Jerry,You may not have beat this disease, but it also has not beat you!!You are an amazing person and I am proud to be your cousin.Love Chuck
Posted by Kathy
October 2, 2008
Gail said... Hey Jerry, Very glad to hear your'e home and doing ok. I think you can do more to heal yourself if your in the right enviroment. Home sounds like that place for you now. You and your family are in my daily prayers and I know prayer can be a powerful thing. God knows it kept Mom strong and really, the rest of us for many years. I hope the donor works out this time. Love and Hugs to you, Cous
Posted by Kathy
October 1, 2008
TX Clyde said... Jerry,I think of you every day. You have taught me what is really important in life. With that in mind I am determined to do as much for others as I can. Bingo news = We are now ready to go with the "Double Action" game.I will see you at Bingo World.Tx Clyde
Posted by Kathy
October 1, 2008
Stacey said... Jerry,You haven't been out of my thoughts since our quick chat on the phone. I hope and pray that you truly know and feel all the love and prayers that surround you. You have touched so many! Love you,Stacey
Posted by Kathy
September 28, 2008
Grady said... Grady at your service bro'... as soon as you're ready i'm yours... just been waiting for the call, dear friend. your wish is my joy... can't wait to look around the doctors and find your smile... i have the sweetest little martin guitar with me to sing all the songs you and don put in me so long is all there is....soon!
Posted by Kathy
September 26, 2008
Roger Buzard said... Love you guys keep us posted and holler if I can do anything for you
Posted by Kathy
September 22, 2008
TX Clyde said... Good Morning Jerry and Family,If it would help I am willing to be checked to see if I can be a bone marrow donar. Maybe I will register in any case. Keep fighting. We are adding the "Double" action game as soon as we get the video installed.Tx Clyde
Posted by Kathy
September 15, 2008
Donna and Ellen said.. Hi Jerry & Kathy. We saw Ron & Cathy last week and they told us you are working hard to get your health back. Please know that we are having good thoughts for both of you and that you are in our prayers.Your old Bridgeport buddies, Donna & Ellen
Posted by Kathy
September 14, 2008
Grady said.. jer' bro, i love you and will do anything for you! you know i mean it. until then i remain on the farm in oregon living organically. Mother's love is all yours...rejoice!
Posted by Kathy
September 13, 2008
Hutch said... Hi Whit, Kathy!On my way back to Kigali this coming Wednesday, might be a few weeks as the business there is set to launch on October 1. I'll be following your progress and strength from deepest Africa but remain by your sides! Stay strong, your global support is always there!BestHutch
Posted by Kathy
September 11, 2008
Stacey Kaiser said... Sweet Jerry, It made my heart sing this morning to hear your voice. I miss the calls and emails. It is hard but I want you to spend your energy getting well. I'm thrilled that you like the Huntsman center. I believe that it plays a huge part in your healing process. Negative energy is never good. Thanks for what you call a boring blog but it means so much to read what is up in your world. I know that I'm not the only one that is interested and check your blog on a daily basis. So keep boring all of "us"!! Love, hugs and laughter to you. Stacey
Posted by Kathy
September 5, 2008
Grady said... Jer' my dear bro'... i'm in oregon on a farm learning to love dirt, tomatoes, laying hens, farmer's markets, straw bales, exotic HERBS and country living... i'm sending you all love energy and organic friendship... like always. ONLY LOVE
Posted by Kathy
September 5, 2008
Rox said... Good luck on the donor match and my fingers are crossed!! I wish you both the best and pray daily for Jerry's recovery and both Kathy and Jerry's strength!! I will be watching the blog - love the updates. We are all hoping th best for you and please take careRox
Posted by Kathy
September 3, 2008
Roger Buzard said... yeah I am sure glad you have the net and other little tinks to pass your time. Daughter just bought her own laptop.. and its NEW the first NEW computer that has ever been in this house haha. I am so proud of her took her a while to save up but she did it. ahhh lifes little moments eh anyway just checking in with ya tell ya love ya and wishin you the best... prayers and blessing as allways hugs to you all love ya
Posted by Kathy
September 2, 2008
Clyde said... Yo Jerry, I keep track of ya every day. We had a couple more winners last weekend. We are also signing up for the "Double Action" game. It should improve my bottom line. You can also improve my personal bottom line by getting better. TX Clyde
Posted by Kathy
August 31, 2008
John M. said... Hang in there; you are an inspiration to all of us who complain about "piddely things" like bruised knees. I'm looking forward to seeing you when you get back to LV. Say hello, and kiss Kathy for me in the usual place; the kitchen. Best regards,
Posted by Kathy
August 28, 2008
Jim and Loree Vanderhye said... Keep on fighting Jerry. Your a real inspiration to the entire Vanderhye family.
Posted by Kathy
August 29, 2008
Rox said... Jerry - was glad to see the update. It sounds like they are keeping u buzy. I am sure the afternoon siesta is a welcome thing also. Hope you & the family have a good labor day weekend - stay strong. Prayers are said daily for you and I look forward to your health returning!! How do u like the new iPhone?? Take care and will blog back again soon. It is wonderful to see/read all the support and love that surrounds you!! - Later -
Posted by Kathy
August 28, 2008
Clyde said... Jerry, You never cease to amaze me. You are a real inspiration to me. I now take time to smeel the flowers every day.
Posted by Kathy
August 27, 2008
Grady said... Jerry bro! I am so relieved whenever I see you enter your own words on the blog... I breathe again. Bless your heart, your family's heart and all your many friends and loved ones. You've caused me to enter the 21st century finally... I created an e-mail address for myself: Does this mean I'm going to Jamaica? I hope so... Love you with all my heart my dear friend... ever anything I can do to make it better.... let me!
Posted by Kathy
August 26, 2008
Kathy Veltre said... Jerry & Kathy You guys keep up the good work and I will keep up my daily prayers. Love, Kathy Veltre
Posted by Kathy
August 24, 2008
John and Linda said... Hi old Buddy We are happy to see you are still in the game and giving it your all. You are a hell of a man, and I think you will get the upper hand soon. We are in Cripple Creek this week and God is not answering my prayers for the slots, so I won't count on him for you at this time LOL ... So good luck buddy, we love you.
Posted by Kathy
August 22, 2008
Hutch said... Hi Whit, Back in Rwanda, following you closely from here so no causing too much trouble while I am on the road again! Seriously, stay strong and I'll see you when I get back. Always,
Posted by Kathy
August 22, 2008
Stacey said... Oh it wonderful to see when you are the one doing the posting. That means that you are feeling good. Hooray! Sounds like you are staying very busy. I can't help but feel that all of this is going so much smoother than the first time that you attempted this process. Must be God's plan!! Love and hugs,
Posted by Kathy
August 22, 2008
Grady said... Jerry, I love you bro'... so much. What can I do? Can I be the donor? Why haven't you found one yet?! Is it that difficult? These one-way conversations are not quite fulfilling... so I'm leaving it at "I LUV U"
Posted by Kathy
August 21, 2008
Roger Buzard said... Sounds like a nice place. I am trying to figure out a way to get to Vegas when ya get home.. Maybe you can introduce me to my holdem heroes lol.. Still praying and such hugs to you all and thanks for keeping us all posted
Posted by Kathy
August 20, 2008
Jeff said... Hi Jerry, It's good to hear you are making great progress. It's also nice to know you have such great support from your family. Let me know when you want me to make that tee time! All the best, Jeff
Posted by Kathy
August 20, 2008
Tom S. said... Hi Jerry, Kathy and Laura, I am so glad to read that everything is moving forward. Sounds as though Jerry is getting some incredible care and that is very good to hear. Having this blog and providing us with Jerry's progress is really wonderful. Everyone take care of yourselves and again thank you very much for the updates. Your Friend,Tom S.
Posted by Kathy
August 20, 2008
Stacey said... Just wanted to say thank you Laura for doing an amazing job of keeping everyone up to date on the blog. Tell Jerry that I'm thinking of him and it is wonderful to know that he is enjoying all of the little things in life. Love and best wishes to you all.
Posted by Kathy
August 20, 2008
Roger Buzard said... Awesome news Laura. Looking forward to more great news. Give him a hug for me. Praying often love ya all
Posted by Kathy
Chuck said...
Jerry it is good to see that you are strong enough to again write your blogs. I am wishing you the best in SLC and want you to know that like the USA was behind Phelps I am behind you on your Olympic challenge. GO for the Gold my friend.
Jerry replied
Well, thank you for that is kind of funny that today's date is 8-18-08..similar to the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics. I am on my way and I thank you for your love and support.
Posted by Kathy
August 18, 2008
Tammy Jo said... Uncle Jerry You are in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong as soon as you are settled in Utah hopefully Shawn and I can come for a visit. Lots of Love, Tammy Jo
Posted by Kathy
Monday August 18, 2008
Stacey said... Just got back from Montana. We actually went there to play golf. That was a hoot and a good time. Warren even got an award for the longest drive! Glad to hear that the process has finally arrived and you are heading to Utah. I could take the puddle jump from Casper and come see you! It filled my heart so see that you were the one posting to your blog. Does this mean that you are checking your email? Love to you always, Stacey
Posted by Kathy
August 12, 2008
Grady said... Jerry, it's grady again and I just am on fire with Mother's grace and the Christfire and I want to say to you, dear brother, that Mother is headed directly to and through you like a tropical storm... I don't know what it means on the physical level! I only see the GREAT LOVE all around you and the family...blessed be... what love this is... OM CHRIST OM CHRIST OM CHRIST OM (ILOVEYOU)
Posted by Kathy
August 10, 2008
Lois and Ralph Pedersen said... Lois and I are praying that everything goes well for you.
Posted by Kathy
August 10, 2008
Grady said... Jer' bro', I feel like a man at the Olympics trying to get a glimpse of the act... you have so many friends and we all want to be near you... you are so loved... I think you are Master of the Universe, disguised as mortal, whether or not you remember. The radiance of friends surrounding you is like the sun... I am humbled by your humanity... shine on. Please.
Posted by Kathy
August 9, 2008
Grady said... Good morning on this beautiful Sabbath. All love pours from Heaven within into your hearts. I wish you a day of rest and peace, hope and joy. I wish I could be with you but I know your days are full. So I watch and pray from here. I'm painting a beautiful seascape of Maui with a golden Buddha sitting in the sun... the Buddha is the Sun, radiating golden light. I think with you all the time as I paint my meditations. Peace is a river in the heart.. love.. love.. love to you all.
Posted by Kathy
August 8, 2008
Terry said... Thanks for keeping all of us remoters informed. so glad to hear all is going well. I check every day. Kathy, I will be in Vegas on the 27th of August and would love to visit with both of you. if at all possible. Would you send me a phone # I can call you and see how it's going or if you are even in town. Sure would be good to see your smiles in person. Terry Thanks and keep up the good spirits. lots of people cheering for ya'll. Much love and prayer Terry (again)
Posted by Kathy
Wednesday July 30, 2008
PJ said... Somehow, old friend, I knew you were in trouble last week and was not able to check your blog until today. Besides the angels, in the flesh and at your side, you do have a guardian angel with you. You are such a good and giving person that I know you will be around a lot longer than you ever anticipated. Best wishes from an old friend. PJ
Posted by Kathy
Wednesday July 30, 2008
Roger Buzard said... Just give him a big hug from me and take one for yourself as well love you guys
Posted by Kathy
Sunday July 27, 2008
Jim and Loree Vanderhye said... Just finished Randy Pausch's inspirational book. The battle you have fought against your medical problem Jerry, has been just as inspirational. Glad to hear you are doing better. Keep on fighting!! We are pulling for you. JIM & LOREE
Posted by Kathy
Sunday July 27, 2008
Grady said... Jer' bro', just can't resist the chance to tell you how much you mean to me. In this wondrous slide down the banister of life, you have been my companion for almost 50 years! That rocks! We've tennised, skied, climbed underground (remember that hole in the ground Don took us into?) and done those wild memories of growing up (Trubey and the Diane Marie). You watched me break my neck! (that still hurts), I watched the IRS play games with you and MPA and now we have come to this trial of Spirit...the Love just grows and grows. My dear friend and brother (I am in the family still) I would do anything for you. The best thing I can give is my assurance that you are cradled in the arms of our Loving Mother (most people call Her the Holy Spirit- although some say Holy "Ghost" (creepy title). I know she's the sweetest loving Mother in all creation and she loves you more than she does me, because I asked her to! To any doubters I would ask this question: If you had three people in a family and one was father and one was son, who would most likely be the third? A ghost? Male domination has separated us from our Holy Mother, our "Comforter". I send Her all my love and she brings it into your dreams...healing is in Her hands. I love you so much!
Posted by Kathy
Saturday July 26, 2008
Stacey said... Sweet Jerry, Wrote to you on your email address and saw today that you aren't looking at those. So thankful that Laura is keeping your blog updated. So happy to know that you are making a come back from all of that chemo. Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and praying for everyone to have strength and healing through this. Much love and healing vibes sent your way. Stacey
Posted by Kathy
Saturday July 26, 2008
Rox said... Hello Whitlow family - I met your father years ago in Denver at his chiropractor. He has always been a wonderful, positive friend to have. His wisdom has helped me a great deal in my own life with my family. He always spoke of his family and you could see the love he had for all of you in his eyes. It was wonderful to see! He is a strong man and has strong support. Keep up the good work and thanks for all your info via the blog. I can only hope my husband, family and friends would surround me with such great love and support when I may need it. Tell him to stay strong and keep making progress. Our prayers and thoughts are with you all-Rox
Posted by Kathy
Thursday July 24, 2008
Jerry's cousin Chuck said... Laura Thanks for the up-dates. I have known for years that Jerry is not only a fighter but one of the most positive individuals I have ever known. But, I can't help but believe that the support and Love You, Julye and your Mom offer Jerry hasn't played a monumental part in his recovery from his latest challenge. Jerry,thinking of you and wishing you well.
Posted by Kathy
Thursday July 24, 2008
The "away team", the Yandell's, Shepard' and Roth's have been keeping you in their prayers and are so thankful for the good news.
Posted by Kathy
Thursday July 24, 2008
Judy Melton said... Thank you Laura for keeping the information updated about Jerry. Jerry holds a very special place in my families heart. We love him very much. My church continues to prayer for Jerry and we believe that God and prayer have the power to heal all. Please just let him know he is in our prayers. Thank you. Judy Melton (Louis & Lena Bohara's daughter).
Posted by Kathy
Thursday July 24, 2008
Bob and Pat said... Thank you Laura for the daily updates. Our prayers and thoughts are with all of you. Love,Bob & Pat
Posted by Kathy
Thursday July 24, 2008
Vicki said... Jerry and family, Please know we think of you often. Wish we could come and give you all hugs of comfort. We love you! Love your cousin,Vicki
Posted by Kathy
Thursday July 24, 2008
Jeff said... Hi Jerry,It's your bingo buddy from PA. I have reserved us a tee time for whenever you are ready. You are in my prayers. Love, Jeff
Posted by Kathy
Thursday July 24, 2008
Roger said... Love ya Uncle Jerry. Will keep prayin huggs to the family and to you..
Posted by Kathy
Thursday July 24, 2008
Alice Irwin said... Kathy and Jerry I think of you and pray for you everyday. My heart hurts to think of you in any pain, when you are think happy thoughts. Love Alice
Posted by Kathy
Wednesday July 30, 2008
Jacquie said... Jerry and Kathy!!!I have had an overwhelming amount of people calling me and asking me about Jerry. I have sent everyone to this wonderful blog to get updates as they become available. If there is anything that any of us here at LVGI can do, I know we will make it happen for you two! Thanks Laura for keeping all of us updated, it helps! Lots of love from everyone here at LVGI. Your buddy,Jacquie and crew :)
Posted by Kathy
Wednesday July 23, 2008
Kathy Veltre said... My prayers are with you all! Please, If you need anything do not hesitate to call me. Love, Kathy Veltre
Posted by Kathy
Wednesday July 23, 2008
Gail said... You guys are so very special and strong. I keep you all in my prayers even though I don't personally know you I feel you guys in my heart. Love, cousin Gail
Posted by Kathy
Wednesday July 23, 2008
Theresa Williams said... Kathy and Jerry,We will keep you and your family in our prayers and thoughts!
Posted by Kathy
Wednesday July 23, 2008
Mary and Ron said... Our thoughts and prayers are with you. stay strong!! love mary and ron
Posted by Kathy
Wednesday July 23, 2008
Mary and Ron said... Our thoughts and prayers are with you. stay strong!! love mary and ron
Posted by Kathy
Wednesday July 23, 2008
Laura My name is Bobby Taylor I met your dad in 1993 when i moved to Las Vegas and we have been great friends ever since. Please let him and Kathy know I am praying for them. It really saddens me to know that Jerry is not doing better. I saw him about a month ago and he looked good. Please let him know i miss his smiling face and great attitude. Best wishesyour friendBobby Taylor
Posted by Kathy
Tuesday July 22, 2008
Jim and Loree Vanderhye said... Jerry and Kathy: You guys are very much in our thoughts. Jim and Loree
Posted by Kathy
Tuesday July 22, 2008
Bob and Pat said... Dear Kathy, So sorry to hear Jerry is in I.C.U.We are just an hour away. PLEASE,If there is anything we can do, or if either one of you need anything, we are here for you. Give big guy a hug and kiss from us, and I am still waiting for that round of golf.Lots of Love. Bob & Pat
Posted by Kathy
May 10, 2008
Patti said... With much confidence, I told you last year that if anyone could beat this-IT IS YOU!!!! I still feel that and feel confident that you are going to be around for a very, very, very long time. It has not been easy for you, I see the pain and tiredness, at times, in your eyes. But, you have what it takes and the support from your family-that it takes.
Posted by Kathy
May 4, 2008
Teresa said... Jerry, I really don't know what to say except, I think about you often and pray for you more. Thanks for the blog because it really helps to keep me posted. Take care. Love you.
Posted by Kathy
May 2, 2008
Denis said... We're thinking of you always and looking forward to your return day. Please make it soon.My best wishes to you and please keep getting better.
Posted by Kathy
April 7, 2008
Patti said...
Never discount the power of prayer.
It was so uplifting to read your Blog today.
Miss you dear friend,
Posted by Kathy
April 5, 2008
Cathy's Jewels said... Good luck to you on the Chemo.I know it will be hard but you look as if you can handle it.I hope you're feeling better real soon!
Posted by Kathy
April 1, 2008
Kim said... We're fine, and sending you prayers, love, hugs and kisses! I'm staying updated with your blog, welcome home, glad you're feeling good! I love you Jer! xoxo Kim
Posted by Kathy
March 31, 2008
John said... Now that was the good news on your Blog that I wanted to see. I was having a bad day today and that cheered me up. Sorry I am late on your Happy Birthday, but Happy Late Birthday. I don't know what it is I just can't remember anyone's birthday any more ... LOL ... Anyway good luck and keep up the good work.
Posted by Kathy
March 17, 2008
Stacey said...
Woo hoo! Maybe the luck of the Irish will be with you for the day of green and leprechauns!!?? That would be wonderful if you could go home for awhile. I keep checking your blog to see if you are homeward bound.
Sweet dreams.
Posted by Kathy
March 15, 2008
Stacey said...
Good Morning,
Just read your blog and was sad that you weren't able to go home for the weekend at least. I've done my usual routine, watched the Sunday Morning show, called my dad, working on 5,000 loads of laundry, read the newspaper, general cleaning and now I'm off to Target.
I'm still very concerned about Warren . He will fast tonight and then have some blood work done in the morning. At least it is a start to find out what is going on with him.
So just checking in and letting you know that I'm thinking of you.
Posted by Kathy
March 15, 2008
Julye said...
How are you doing today? Feeling well I hope. I hear your getting guests today for a visit. I just got off the phone with Mom and she told me Ricki & Joe were visiting today. I think it's nice that their making an effort to come and see you. I'm sure you and Joe will have a nice chat.
Kayle is enjoying her morning nap where I would love to be right now. Kayle was up last night for several hours and once I got her back to sleep my stupid cold kicked in and I couldn't stop coughing. The joy of being pregnant is you can't take any medicine so I sat awake hacking my brains out. I'm sure Kevin will be tired and want a nap later so maybe I can get a snooze then.
Take care today and I will talk to you tomorrow.
Posted by Kathy
March 17, 2008
John Harris said... Jerry, I visited your Blog and it sounds negative to me ... probably not to you ... but it sounds like you are giving up to this bull shit ... come on now I am counting on you to whip this shit... Mind over matter has always worked ... and you of all people have that ability ... don't you pull this bull shit of giving up with me ... cause i know you better then that ... sometimes our minds and our bodies get tired and do what they want to do ... not what we want them to do ... so fight fight fight ... and the more tired you get the more you fight and you will win ... and if that don't work, which it should ... then I have no resource but to kick your Doctors ass ... I have beat a few of them already for a lot less then loosing a good loving friend. Come on now I am counting on you ... JUST DO IT ... YOU CAN ... Love John March 17th The life ending story is when you have nothing to look forward to .. to much pain .. depressed with no hope .. no one to love .. no one who cares .. you don't have any of that except the pain so just keep fighting, don't dwell on the dying .. just think of all the things you are going to do when you are better. Plan a nice vacation in your head, and go there with your mind. Do this all the time ... Also keep in mind, this shit didn't come on over night and you can't cure it over night. And I believe there was a "S" on your shirt the last time I saw you. Hang in there buddy, I know its hard, and I know you are giving it your best fight, but I also know it isn't over till the fat lady sings, and I don't plan on bringing her out that way for awhile. And her voice isn't all that good anyway. Hi Buddy .. I was on your blog today and it looks like you are in better spirits. The "S" must have reappeared on the chest .. LOL .. I know you can do it if anyone can, you can. You have whipped all odds in the past, and you can whip this one, I know you can and I am a good friend of GODs and he will let you live ... if you want to ... Oh shit I have to go now lightning is striking all over the place... Just Kidding ... about the lightning that is. Just remember GOD is your Master, God is your Savior, God is great, and GOD can do more things with your mind then you can ever imagine, life is mapped out for you in the beginning, just follow your own instincts to a good and productive life ... and GOD will help you .... If you want to live you live ... if you want to die you die ... I am not talking about your mind thoughts in general ... I am telling you what you really want you will get ... and it is up to you ... Deep soul ... That is what it is all about ...Deep soul ... you have it ... so use it .. Deep soul is ... you take control of your life ... deep soul is concentration on your mind ... deep soul is you believe in yourself ... deep soul is you do it no matter what anyone says ... deep soul is your decision, and GOD will help you through that decision. It sounds to me like you are in good spirits and you can go on from here ... so do it .. love ya and I am always with you ... and you are always in my thoughts.
Posted by Kathy
March 12, 2008
Julye said...
Hello, Checking in to see how everything is going. Sorry I haven't written in a while we had a crazy weekend as I'm sure Mom told you How are things with you what 's the scoop with you? Are you feeling ok? I heard Mom gave you a haircut. I'll bet you are looking great as always.
All is well her I went to the doctor on Tuesday and had an ultrasound. The baby is doing well kicking and moving around inside. I forgot how cool that was when Katie and Kayle did it. It's almost hard to believe that a little living being is inside me. We got some cool pictures of Kelsie trying to pick her nose. Anyway I'm running about a week behind my due date so it looks like 7/19 in stead od 7/12 for her due date. God I hope the swamp cooler is in good working condition this year or I may just have to move out.
Katie is doing well her grades are good so far. She has been very helpful this week with Kayle and me which is a new thing for her but I hope she keeps it up. I appreciate the extra hands when ever I can get them. Katie has a competition for flag guard this weekend. This one is at her school so I'm excited to see it. Kayle and I had swimming this morning and she was up and ready to go. She splashed and had a ball today. If I set her on the side of the pull she will jump off into my arms now. This is a big step for her.
Anyway that's about all here. I will talk to you tomorrow.
Posted by Kathy
February 27, 2008
Judy and John said...
John & I just got home from our Wednesday HUG group for church. I spoke about you and how special you were and how I wanted a special prayer for you. It was wonderful. It was so uplifting. I know that the power of God has touch you this evening. We prayed for peace of mind, for finding a donor and for continual uplifting as you go thru these trying times.
We also prayed for Kathy, to keep her knowing that she is never alone and that God is always with both of you.
One person in our group shared that he feels that you will be with us for many years to come and you will have joy in your heart.
Another lady in our group, said that her daughter lives in Las Vegas and she will call her and get her to go in to see if she can be a donor.
We just prayed that a donor would be found and we know that someone will receive this blessing tonight to share of themselves with you.
I love you Jerry Whitlow. Although I don't write often I hope you know just how much you mean to me. If ever you need, never hesitate to call.
Our prayer group will keep you in there prayers and in there hearts.
God Bless You
Jerry and Kathy said...Wow… thanks very much for your thoughts and prays. And also for Kathy as these are very difficult and lonely times for her. I grow in strength just to be with her. And your message of hope strengthens me as well. Please tell your group THANKS from me and I promise to receive your healing and guidance as we move thru this process in preparation for a stem cell transplant. All my love. JW
Posted by Kathy
February 26, 2008
Stacey said... This sucks!! Now that we have that out of the way... Sounds like you are at the crossroads and knowing you things will take a turn for the good. Thanks for keeping the blog updated so I know what is happening with you. Know in your heart that I'm thinking of you and always sending healing thoughts your way. You were in my dreams the other day. Nothing big but I remember waking up and smiling knowing that you made a visit to me. I also remember that you looked wonderful. Funny how I only remember bits and pieces of my dreams. Guess I only remember the important parts. I'll keep checking the blog to see what the doctor says.
Posted by Kathy
February 18, 2008
Stacey said... Just read your most recent blog entry....oh it brings the memories back. I went through a lot of the food and vitamin thing with my brother. I can honestly say that I believe it did help him. We are so fortunate to have so much information in our hands via the internet and how fortunate you are to have Laura sift through it all for you. What I read and looked at on your blog is great. I'm with you on believing that the medical approach is not the whole answer. I firmly believe that there is a lot the can work together. What a crazy journey life can be. Thinking of you and wishing you healing vibes! xoxo
Posted by Kathy
February 1, 2008
Johnny and Twyla said... Kathy and Jerry, you are in our thoughts and prayers. My parents told me one time that the first 100 years were the toughest. God Bless you both and thank you for such a beautiful BLOG site.
Posted by Kathy
January 30, 2008
Tammy Jo said... Uncle Jerry, I just found out Jared and I will be in Vegas the second week of March. I sure would love to spend some time with you if you are up for company. I pray for you daily and I know God sent you here for all of us who you have made such a positive impact on. I know I am a better person because of you. I love you and will see you soon
Posted by Kathy
January 29, 2008
Hutch said... Hi Whit, More road warrior stuff,just got back from the show in the UK. Saw Jon and Karen, great memories! Hope you are doing well and always in my thoughts! Stay well and talk to you soon!
Posted by Kathy
January 26, 2008
Roger said... Just wanted to stop by and say heya its back to work today but got to do what we got to do. Hope you all are doing well. and hope to talk to you soon.. if you talk to Shawn tell her I said hi. 500 a visit is wow but your worth it. Kathy said so love ya all!!
Posted by Kathy
January 26, 2008
Mary said... It’s Saturday night and we are about to go to Red Lobster to meet Jaime’s boyfriends’ parents. He just got back from Iraq . He has a month or so left in the army and then he is out. He is stationed in Killeen, Tx . For the last leg of this journey. I feel like it has been a lifetime since I last saw you. You have been through so much. I think about you all the time and pray for some good news for you and Kathy. Everything is always changing, nothing stays the same. Keep up your strength and keep in touch. Always, Mary
Posted by Kathy
January 21, 2008
Stacey said...
Posted by Kathy
January 17, 2008
Kim St. Claire said... Hey There! Sorry we keep missing one another. Playing a lot of catch up since we've been home. Every night this week I've had sales calls, which is a good thing! How did you do in Houston? I haven't read your blog since this are you feeling today? You're my favorite cousin too by the way! Love you to pieces...xoxo
Posted by Kathy
January 9, 2008
Stacey said...
Posted by Kathy
January 4, 2008
Stacey said...
Posted by Kathy
December 27, 2007
Rachel said...
Posted by Kathy
December 22, 2007
Shawn said... You two look amazing! I'm glad to hear you had a good time (did you find any tall, wealthy, attractive presents for me?). I'll be sure to bug you a couple times during the next week, and I want you to feel free to call me ANY time. I have no big plans so I would love to chat. Miss you so much it hurts =o I hope you're listening to Kathy and taking care of yourself. Love you much
Posted by Kathy
December 17, 2007
Teresa said... I took some time and got caught up on how you are doing through your blog. God bless you for all you are having to go through. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers. If I don't see you before this Christmas, I hope you and your family have a good one.
Posted by Kathy
December 16, 2007
Kim St. Claire said... I'm so glad to hear from you...I wanted check your blog this morning, but it said website error. I have it saved in My Favorites and use it all the time. Maybe other people are trying to access it too. I'll try it again later. Anyway, how are you feeling? Are you in the hospital now? I will try and call you after while! I loved all the pictures you took, thanks for sharing those!!
Posted by Kathy
December 5, 2007
Stacey said... Just a quick note to say Howdy! and to wish you a Merry Christmas. Wow, this year has gone by in a flash. Enjoyed listening to White Christmas this morning. Bought the Buble Christmas CD today. I will listen to it at the shop tomorrow. Hope you trip to Houston was successful and speedy. Thinking of you Always. xoxoxoxo
Posted by Kathy
December 4, 2007
Hutch said... Whit, Heading back for Las Vegas from South Africa and if I read it right, you are on the way to Houston! I got one round of golf in Randpark, just outside of Johannesburg. Beautiful course. Check the picture...some serious greenery there. I think I'll stay put for a few day so will try to call you. If we miss (again) have a brilliant holiday season and only the best in 2008!
Posted by Kathy
December 1, 2007
Mary said... It sounds like you had a great time in Florida. That is such a good thing! Are you still hanging close to home? We all miss your little visits. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. LOVE to you.
Posted by Kathy
November 23, 2007
Aunt Tootie and Rodger said... Wasn't Thanksgiving a wonderful day?? Even the outside elements did not "rain on our parade"! Jerry, it was so good to see you and and your brothers. Just proves distance doesn't affect the love of family. Thanks to you, Tony and Don for sharing with us your time with your Mom and Dad. Rodger and I think they are pretty special people, including one's "up's and down's". Trust your day of travel goes well. Give our love to Kathy. Take care of the both of you and we'll be in touch. Love Aunt Tootie and Rodger
Posted by Kathy
November 21, 2007
Stacey said...
Happy Thanksgiving!! Glad that you both have made it and I'm sure that the folks are thrilled to see you both. Wish I was there to share a pokechop with you all. I still giggle when I think about the first time your dad ask me if I wanted one. I told him thank you but I had already eaten!! Oh what fun. I'm looking forward to tomorrow and just hanging out and eating some good turkey. Things have been really busy at the shop so this will be a nice break before the Christmas madness begins. Tell everyone hello for me.
Love to all,
Posted by Kathy
Novemeber 21, 2007
Alan said... I think Gail said it best.I hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving together. Sure wish I could be there for the midnight stories and (porkchops) try some 4roses, Made here in Kentucky of course. I went by Vivian and Leon's yesterday and had a very nice visit. I thought they were going on down to Fl. Maybe Leon had a turn for the worst? Vickie called with some not so good news that could be holding them here too. I know their thoughts are there with you guys. She was looking forward to the trip. You and the rest of the family are in my prayers all of them. He knows what's needed. Hugs all around
Posted by Kathy
November 21, 2007
Mary, Ron and Jaime said...
Jerry and Kathy said...
Hope you have a wonderful visit with your familly. I'm having the best time with my folks and my brothers! xo JW
Posted by Kathy
November 21, 2007
Gail said...
Hi Jerry,This goes out to you and all the family there in Fl with you. I hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving together. I can well imagine the tall tales being told, and the laughs that go right along with them. Give everybody a big hug for me and tell them I miss them all. As always you stay in my prayers.
Jerry and Kathy said...
Thanks for thinking of us during our very special time as you can imagine. Mom and Dad and Tony and Don are all doing wonderful. Thanksgiving tomorrow will be very Thankful! Lots of love from us in Florida. JW
Kim St. Claire said...
You are very welcome...tell your mom and dad hello and Happy Thanksgiving! Greg and I are good, give everyone a big hug for me, and you take one too!! Have a wonderful time with your family! Love you to pieces! xoxoxo Kim
Posted by Kathy
November 20, 2007
Hutch said...
Hi Whit!
Stopped by the office hoping to see you and the booth at the show. No luck, it's you and me on the golf course one of these days! I still have this bottle of Meerlust Rubicon SA wine for you guys when I can catch up with you. I am leaving for South Africa this weekend and will call you when I get back. Maybe a long way away, but my thoughts are always with you! Keep getting stronger and I'll see you in a few weeks.
Jerry and Kathy said...
Sorry to miss you again. Looking forward to that bottle of wine and time with you. JW
Posted by Kathy
November 20, 2007
Roger said...
Hey Uncle Jerry hope you have a wonderful time with the Grandparents tell them I love them much and give them huggs from the family and I tell Uncle Tony I said hey as well as Don
peace and blessing to you keep well my friend
love ya!!!
Jerry and Kathy said...
Hello from the Florida Whitlow's to you and your family. Thanks for the thoughts. JW
Posted by Kathy
November 20, 2007
Patti said...
I am thankful this Thanksgiving, that such a dear friend of mine is ABLE to spend Thanksgiving Day and meal with his parents and siblings. I am even more thankful that his Blog is still on the Internet. I am thankful that my youngest son has found the love of his life and is enjoying their life together in Seattle. I am thankful that I can write this to such a dear friend and share my thankfulness with him. I am further thankful that I know, beyond a doubt, that God exists.
Love you my dearest friend of 35 years. Trust you will get through this!!!
Jerry and Kathy said...
We are blessed with more friends than a person deserves. I hope all your family has a wonderful holiday. JW
Posted by Kathy
November 9, 2007
Kim St. Claire said...
I miss talking with you! I don't want to pester you by calling so often while you're trying to rest and get better...I know you gave Kathy quite the scare....don't do that anymore!!
I'm staying in touch with your blog though, I'm so glad to see you're playing golf tomorrow!!!HIT EM STRAIGHT AND HIT EM LONG!!!
I love you and miss you to pieces!
Jerry and Kathy said...
Miss hearing from you.
Posted by Kathy
November 9, 2007
Rachel Whitlow said.... Hello from the beautiful bluegrass state! I understand you are traveling rather often to tend to your leukemia and i am so sorry to hear that, you are always so full of life and energy and i can't imagine how difficult this must be on you. I hope you are currently at home resting and doing well. I will be in Las Vegas and would love to be able to get lunch or just visit, if you will be in town. I will be there Sat December 1 to Tues December 4.
Posted by Kathy
November 6, 2007
Kim St.Claire said... I miss talking with you! I don't want to pester you by calling so often while you're trying to rest and get better...I know you gave Kathy quite the scare....don't do that anymore!! I'm staying in touch with your blog though, I'm so glad to see you're playing golf tomorrow!!!HIT EM STRAIGHT AND HIT EM LONG!!! I love you and miss you to pieces! xoxoxox
Posted by Kathy
November 3, 2007
Jenynne DeNoble said...
How are you feeling?
More and more of my customers, who share their health stories with me,
are able to bounce back Peggy, a 60 year old female in great shape,
received a diagnosis of type 4 colon cancer about 4 months ago. They
did not give her great survival statistics. This last week, she told me
she beat it...can you believe that.
Kristy, a gal at work, battled lung cancer for more than 2 years and
today she is celebrating 5 cancer free years.
I don't know why I hear so many stories....Is disease becoming more
common or is the medicine better so now more people are talking about
it....Or maybe I'm just getting older.
I'm an optimist...the medical technology must be getting better.
I understand you are confined to a hospital room. Hang in there, you
will be better in no time.
Posted by Kathy
November 2, 2007
Mark Van Tilburg said... I’ve been keeping up with your blog. The only thing is I can’t figure out how to leave a response or input comments. This has been a really creative way to keep everyone informed. Although, I assure you that many of us out here would rather be communicating in regards, to another topic. I applaud you both on your personal spirits. We all must face everyday looking at all that we’ve been blessed with, opposed to complaining of the things that we don’t have. The greatest healing comes from within each of our own lives. Negative and pessimistic thoughts will block the flow of healing and the joy of life. I had made a request for the corporate offices of Waffle House in Atlanta , GA to visit your blog to read the comments you had posted about their hospitality. They sent this small gift of 2-logo’d tee shirts to my house and I’m sending them to you. Take good care of yourselves. Receive all my love.
Posted by Kathy
October 26, 2007
A poem from Stacey... To realize the value of a sister, ask someone who doesn't have one. To realize the value of ten years, ask a newly divorced couple. To realize the value of four years, ask a graduate. To realize the value of one year, ask a student who has failed a final exam. To realize the value of nine months, ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn. To realize the value of one month, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby. To realize the value of one week, ask an editor of a weekly newspaper. To realize the value of one minute, ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane. To realize the value of one-second, ask a person who has survived an accident. Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have. You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special. To realize the value of a friend or family member: LOSE ONE. The origin of this letter is unknown Remember... Hold on tight to the ones you Love…Life may not be the party we hoped for, But while we are here we should dance.
Posted by Kathy
October 25, 2007
Becky and Cecil said... Hi there, Hope you got back home ok. Had not heard from you, did not know if you got my e-mail or not. Just thinking of the two of you. Hope everything is going well. wont keep you, just wanted to say hey and love you lots. Hugs and Kisses
Posted by Kathy
October 23, 2007
Cousin Gail said... Hi Jerry, I'm so sorry things didn't work out for you with the donor. I hope this change in plans will work out well. The port you may have put in is what Mom had to do. It actually worked out very well for her. She had hers for years. I'm glad you will be with your Mom & Dad for Thanksgiving. That alone will be good medicine. They are the most wonderful people. What great friends you have in Jim and Laura. They sound fantastic. Give the family a hug for me when you get together and know that you are always in my prayers. If I can do anything for you, don't hesitate to email. Love & Hugs,
Jerry and Kathy said...
Nice to hear from you. Dad told me that your Mom had a port in her chest and I've noticed most people in the chemo lounge have that as well. The PICC line was invented at MD Anderson 20+ years ago and they seem to adhere to that more. However, mine became infected this week and was removed on Saturday. I will contact my cancer center today to begin the process but push them in the direction of the chest port. Was pretty easy to clean, flush and change the dressing? Tony is meeting me in Florida to visit Mom and Dad. I'm looking forward to the whole family including Vivian/Leon and Tootie/Roger and Jim/Bobbie will all be in Florida at that time. We'll only be together a few days but I'm certain every minute will count. My best to you and your family and God willing I will make it to Kentucky for the reunion next year... the whole bunch of us. JW
Posted by Kathy
October 23, 2007
Gary and Nancy Hartman said... Hi Jerry, Just a note to say hi and to wish you all the best. We are thinking of you and when you are thinking about people they are not far off. Take care and be of good cheer.
Posted by Kathy
October 17, 2007
Russ said...
Jerry – sad news. Well, let’s hope we find a way to make the best of it. I find things often work out for the best even though differently than planned.
Posted by Kathy
October 17, 2007
Tom said... Hope all is going well, when do you expect to hear from the other donor? What would I need to do to see if I could be a possible match, if i could help you out I would sure like to be able to do that? Can I just go to the local hospital to give blood and let them know that I want it tested or sent to be tested to see if I can match for a bone marrow transplant? I don't know what the chances of this are but I am willing if it will help.
Posted by Kathy
October 17, 2007
Kim said... Hi Jerry ~ I just finished reading the lastest entry on your blog. Going home is the best medicine I think. Home is always a wonderful place to heal. Call us when your home and all settled! I love you to pieces ~ xoxo
Posted by Kathy
October 17, 2007
Posted by Kathy
October 10, 2007
Tammy Jo said... Uncle Jerry I am so sorry the donor didn't work out. For some reason God lets bad things happen to good people. Don't lose faith we will just need to pray for a miracle. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I Love you
Posted by Kathy
October 10, 2007
Roger said... Wow!! Well Uncle Jerry... I am sorry the doner dropped out. If anyone can make their life better you can.You have always been an awesome person and I know you will always be. You are a good man... one that I have always admired and loved. you can do anything so go have fun at home AND again I say if there is anything I can ever do gimmie a holler. Love you uncle Jerry
Posted by Kathy
October 10, 2007
Debbie said... Jerry & Kathy--I am sure you both have so many mixed feelings at this time, but you need to know that you have plenty of friends & family that love you both....there is no greater medicine than that!! I am going to agree with both of you that this is a BETTER PLAN for your body----perhaps the other choice was just not meant to be FOR YOU!!I am SOOO glad you are returning to us..and Kathy, we will make sure he takes GOOD CARE of himself---even if we have to BEAT it into him!!Have a safe trip home---See ya soon..
Posted by Kathy
October 3, 2007
Hutch said... Hi Jerry! Back in the country from a long haul down to South Africa. Was very glad to hear you are getting out for some golf! I still owe you a round when you get back here to Vegas. Hit em long and straight! Best Always
Posted by Kathy
September 23, 2007
Cousin Alan said... Well we all missed you guys at the reunion. It was not the same without you. Glad to her you got in a round of golf. Maybe you should play more golf. Oh I gave all your other cuz a hug for you that means I had to hug them 2 times. (haha). some ask for your blog sight I told them I would email them the information and your email. Thanking about you a lot God be with you and your's. Will keep you in our prayers!!!!
Posted by Kathy
September 23, 2007
Becky and Cecil said... Hey You Two, Just thinking about you, and wondering how things are going. Tomorrow is the Family get together. You are going to be missed, but thought of often. Bumpy came in today, we had dinner with Mom and Dad. Mom is doing about the same, doing about as well as possible. Well, I wont keep you, just wanted to say hi. We love you lots and are always thinking of you.
Posted by Kathy
September 22, 2007
Bob and Pat said...
Me again, hit the wrong key i guess. Did you send us Houston's
rain? Vegas and Mesquite got hammered pretty good thru the night,
moving on north into utah.
Had no idea your procedure was such a slow process,
ultimately it will certainly be worth the wait.
Thinking of both of you daily, our
prayers and thoughts with you always
Lots of Amor
Jerry and Kathy said...
Actually, Bob, you have probably had more rain then here in Houston. I don't think we've had rain here for 7-10 days. Bob, Pat and Robbie, can't thank you enough for keepting an eye on our home while where here. Love JW/KW
Posted by Kathy
September 21, 2007
Gail said...
Wow, what a ride for your emotions that must have been with the insurance co.
I'm glad that it worked out the right way. I want to send you to a web site that
I just really love. It has free inspirational movies.
There are 3 that I am most moved by.
First is "THE RACE", second is "TO A CHILD, LOVE IS SPELLED TIME", and last is "THE DASH". Everyone of the movies they offer has great music and scenery that i'm sure you will enjoy. Anyway, keep up the fight and know that you and the family are in my prayers.
Love & hugs
Jerry and Kathy said
Tuesday was not a day we care to repeat again. And Gail... thanks for the site. I've watched your selections and others as well. JW
Posted by Kathy
September 20, 2007
Roger said... Wow! What a day. I am glad it ended with blessings. Keep me up to date. all our love and blessings
Posted by Kathy
September 20, 2007
Debbie said... Hello my friends-- I am so happy to hear that things are moving forward--that you have been blessed with not just one donor match, but 3---how's that for thinking positive!! Keep your spirits high & when you return to LV, we will raise our glasses high & have a few too many!!! Keep your thoughts positive and a smile on your face & your expectations will become reality for both of you. Love ya both,
Posted by Kathy
September 19, 2007
Weldon said...
I was driving to work yesterday and started thinking about you and Scott. I hadn't heard from anyone for a while and I was wondering how it was going. Today I walked through RR for the first time in 3 weeks and ran into Scott. Almost like he read my thoughts from yesterday. Glad everything is coming together for you. I do miss our golf games together and as usual I shoot 81 one day and 92 the next. Still can't figure this stupid game out. Going to try and catch up to Scott for lunch next week. You keep your chin up. I want to get you back out on the golf course early next year at the latest. Love to your wife.
Jerry and Kathy said...
Scott said he ran into you at Red Rock (our favorite place) and you asked about me… thank you… so I thought I’d drop you a line and give you our blog site for you to check on some time when you have time. We live across from Hermann Park Golf Course. All I’ve been able to do is walk over and down the path and collect balls. I now have 8 and I plan to play golf tomorrow with rental clubs and used balls. I hope you’re hitting them straight and often – stay well as this is no fun and the process has not started. I’ll keep you posted. Best wishes. JW
Posted by Kathy
September 17, 2007
Alice said... Jerry and Family I hope all is going well. My thoughts are always with you. I am sending a big hug from me and Tom!!!!
Jerry and Kathy said... Thanks Alice. Our latest 'speed bump' was just cleared. JW
Posted by Kathy
September 14, 2007
Gail said... Hi Jerry, so very glad to hear things are looking up for you. I hope you have gotten my other emails because I'm not very computer savvy. Anyway, know that I have you and your family in my prayers and that you are loved so very much here in Louisville.
Posted by Kathy
September 14, 2007
Lynne said... Happy Friday, Jerry ~ Glad to read your good news! You and Kathy must be elated! Enjoy your weekend. Sending you smiles
Posted by Kathy
September 13, 2007
Kathy V. said...
Love and hugs and kisses!!
Jerry and Kathy said...
It's a long road but we're on the right track. Thanks for your support. JW
Posted by Kathy
September 13, 2007
Bob and Pat said... Hey Ol buddy, Pat & I are both so relieved to learn that you have matches with one at bat, one on deck, and one in the dugout. No doubt it been a very harrowingexperiance both you and kathy have been confronted with, we appllaud you. once the transplant is complete, and you are back in vegas, I am looking forwardto that round of golf. Best of luck with the remaing procedures, both of you hang in and hang tough. Lots of Amor
Posted by Kathy
September 12, 2007
Ron said... Dear Jerry and Kathy, thinking of you both and wishing you the very best. Enjoyed seeing all the pictures. Looking forward to the days ahead when you will be home and we can raise our glasses high, thankful for you both and your friendship. Be safe........Ron
Posted by Kathy
September 10, 2007
Chuck said... Hi Jerry and Kathy Just thinking of you guys and wanted to send you my best wishes. Stay positive, as I know you always have, and expect the best. Your Cousin
Posted by Kathy
September 10, 2007
From Brother Tony... Just thinking about you and Kathy, and hoping to hear Great news in the next day or two!!! Love ya man!!
Posted by Kathy
August 29, 2007
Tammy Jo said...
Uncle Jerry,
I am so sorry you are having to go through all this. You are in my families prayers every day.
When you are better Jared and I would love to come out and visit you again if you don't mind.
I love the blog you have and I do check it daily I am just not smart enough to figure out how to post on it sorry.
With God all things are possible and I am sure you will beat this. I love you Uncle Jerry
Stay strong
Lots of Love
Jerry and Kathy said...
Great to hear from you. Love JW
Posted by Kathy
August 29, 2007
Lynne said... Hi, Jerry ~ We're in full "storm" mode up here, too. Even the dogs know that tornado warning siren means going to the basement! Thinking of you and sending you smiles.
Posted by Kathy
August 28, 2007
Diane said...
Tell Kathy I'm, the same way in the car, as you know. Raymond lets me do all the
driving even though I think he is very uncomfortable. I hope everything else is going ok.
Sure do miss your visits.
Jerry and Kathy said...
Diane- talking on the phone is not the same as setting in your office - thanks.
Posted by Kathy
August 27, 2007
Kathy Veltre said...
Jerry and Kathy,
I hope you are having a Great day!!! I pray to St. Theresa every day for you> She answers my prayers all the time! We miss you in Las Vegas, Get well soon. I hope you get good news this week!!
Jerry and Kathy said...
Thanks, Kathy. We can't get home too soon. Glad you enjoy my blog. Call me anytime. JW
Posted by Kathy
August 21, 2007
Myrna said... Jerry, We are all thinking about you here at LVGI. As each day could be harder than the next remember that you have a lot of people that care about you very much. We wait here in Vegas for you to come home healthy and see your amazing smile soon. In the mean time, anything that you may need as you already know please call. Blessings to you and Kathy.
Posted by Kathy
August 20. 2007
Alice said... Dear Jerry i heard you were not feeling very well today. You are one tuff cookie and I know you will get thru this. I miss ya lots and pray every night for you to get stronger and stronger. Lots of Love
Posted by Kathy